Sunday, October 7, 2012

Tailgate' Hook Em!

Went to my first tailgate..... it was legit insane. First off apart from NASCAR I've really never been to a tailgate. My school didn't even have a football team.. I know what was I thinking.... that's a whole other story... but basically... my high school adviser told me I wasnt getting into college. SO, when I did get into school I sort of freaked and went to it, because she had asked me if I had a plan b to college. FML
          Anyways! I went to the tailgate, had an amazing time, not sure I have ever been surrounded by so many people! Tons of stuff to do, it was crazy being in like the quad in the middle of downtown! Cars were passing us on all sides... and there we were right smack in the middle just playing beer pong, dancing, singing, and having a blast! Well we skipped insanity as i had a commitment earlier in the morning and then the tailgate started around 12! SO instead of taking Sunday off (today) we just kind of pretended yesterday was Sunday and did the workout today! It was actually cold today, I woke up this morning shaking I was so cold! My bed is right next to the window and the air comes right through! After insanity I went running, though it was still really cold outside! I have just watched a ton of youtube videos, and have yet again been reminded how important drinking water is and how that can seriously help with weight loss. 
          I will admit I don't have a great diet..... but in general it consists of healthy type food lots of fruit, vegetables, hummus... etc. MY main issues are that I still am awful at eating multiple times a day.... I tend to the ever-terrible eat one meal a day.... and super lack at drinking water. In general, my diet consists of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, some tortilla chips, a diet coke, and berries. To anyone that reads this.... I KNOW. lol its a bad diet... but I'm being honest. My main goal really isn't to cut out anything I like, but to add more. I really feel if I super up my water intake, my body could change drastically. This is awful to admit, but there are plenty of days I consume not even a sip of water.  I mean were talking less than 32 oz's a week. But...... the time has come... to change! My body is alright, I mean I like to workout and run, but I feel like I'm not going to see any results unless I'm actually doing the right things. SO tomorrow. its official begins water!!!!!! Now, I refuse to give up my daily diet coke, but I will just be sure that I am consuming a lot of water. Also, my sleep pattern has been sucking lately, I am getting frantic for a job, and bascially working out with a few swigs of water. So, that is all over now!  

This week is dedicated to health by....

- not cutting the foods I enjoy, but just eating more meals, smaller portions throughout the day
- a minimum of 32 ounces a day (i know its still not good.... but I have to be reasonable with myself to achieve my goals!)
-trying to incorporate more fruits and veggies throughout the day!
-up and out of bed eating first meal/snack by 11 AM
-when working out, to the original 32 ounces a day, require a bottle of per activity IE: if I do insanity and run, I have just added an additional  34 oz. of water! (as the bottle I refill is 17 oz)
-seriously trying to not eat after 8 pm (obviously on occasion, parties, etc....)

Once again, everyone has to create a system that works for them. The main reason people do achieve goals is because they go extreme and cut everything at once, and quit there ways after a day or two. So, create whatever system works for you, and obviously, make the cuts where you can and where you know they will benefit you. But more than anything else, set goals you can achieve. You can never win, by setting yourself up to fail! Like you see with the way I set up my water consumption..... just by my normal workout routine, I'm doubling the amount I portioned myself for the day. so I already know going into it that I'm actually choosing to drink 68 oz of water a day. There is some saying about  drinking like 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water... or 64 ounces a day. But, obviously you don't read articles or see on gravestones person died from too much water! SO by no means do you really need to even consider limiting water consumption! Also, when your working out you are losing water, so you really need to be compensating for that! Luckily, here in Austin, it's generally very hot and when I'm running 5+ miles..... drinking water is not an issue! Now that I run at a park here its really great because there are water jugs at the park!!!!!!!!!! I today forced myself to drink 5 cups before starting, and drank a good 5 or so after as well. I have no idea how much it was, but honestly.... it was no where close to how much I should have drank. It might have been a water bottle full and that was all the water I drank the entire day!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, readers if you find my page, maybe you will get inspired just to start with the little things or add goals to your regular routine!


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